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1. The objects of the Society are as under:-
- To obtain, distribute and market food stuffs, essential commodities and other consumer goods at reasonable prices primarily for the benefit of Central Government Employees and employees of subsidiary/ autonomous organizations set up by the Government of India/ or Union Territory Administration and other consumers within its area of operation and to undertake wholesale and retail trade in consumer goods and essential commodities and to establish departmental stores, super markets and fair price shops.
- To supply to the Government Departments/ Offices/ Subsidiary organizations set up by the Government and other customers, stationery, office equipment, machines of office use and other items required by them.
- To establish and run manufacturing and processing units for production of consumer goods for the benefit of members and other bonafide consumers.
- To open repairing and servicing facilities and shops to provide such service to members in respect of articles supplied to them or as may be in common demand amongst them.
- To encourage thrift, self help and cooperation amongst members.
- To import and export consumer goods.
- To provide any other services to members/ consumers.
2. In furtherance of the objects set out above the Society shall be at liberty:
- To receive deposits including trade deposits and loans from members, cooperative financing agencies and other Banks approved by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies and from the Government.
- To accept agency of any person or firm for wholesale and retail business.
- To acquire land and buildings, vehicles, factory, workshop, machinery and equipment.
- To import goods directly or through agents.
- To undertake welfare activities for the members and employees and their children.
- To become a member of Cooperative Bank or any other cooperative society and purchase shares of such Societies.
- Generally to do all such things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of any or all the above objects.